Bettesworth Scott (Pty) Ltd is a multi-disciplinary urban planning and property development consulting practice which offers a diverse range of services for all residential, commercial and industrial developments. We facilitate the approval of land use applications, negotiate with the Decision Making Authorities on behalf of our clients, prepare land use and subdivision layouts and represent our clients in the full range of property-related matters. When it comes to land use rights and property development — we are experts with a proven track record!
Our company logo, the baobab tree, represents our mission and values. Large baobab trees, some estimated to be 3 000 years old, have traditionally been used in African villages as a meeting place to share knowledge, to discuss community matters, relate the news of the day or to resolve conflict. Like the baobab, this firm strives to be a hub in the field of property rights for dialogue, cooperation and resolution.
The baobab is a protected tree in South Africa and is called the “Tree of Life” for good reason. It can provide shelter, food and water and it symbolises wisdom, protection, strength, bounty, beauty and redemption. The baobab tree is therefore symbolic of the values and mission of Bettesworth Scott. These values and mission are also encapsulated in the company’s slogan or catchphrase:
The three directors (and shareholders) of Bettesworth Scott (Pty) Ltd are David Bettesworth, Martin Scott and Isalde du Toit. Together they bring over 65 years of public and private sector planning and built environment experience to the table.
Is a professional planner with 25 years’ experience.
Is a professional planner with 23 years’ experience in the public and private sectors.
Is a professional planner with 26 years professional experience.
“This serves to confirm the fact that Martin Scott has undertaken a wide range of town planning and related matters for ourselves over the past years. Martin has proved himself to be an exceptional Town Planner and has been extremely competent in every single application which he has undertaken for ourselves and has in fact successfully achieved approval for every single application or undertaking which we have engaged him for over all of these years - some of which, we may add, have been extremely complicated and at times seemingly unlikely to be achievable!! Martin is a most reliable and communicative person, extremely strong and sound at meetings with the various authorities and we would highly recommend him for any Town Planning or other matters”
“I have had the privilege over the last 20 years working with some of the best Town and Regional Planners in Cape Town and Kwa Zulu Natal. The personal and professional way in which you managed the technicalities and complexities that existed at 27 Derry Road and how you met the desired results within the allocated timeframe puts you up there with the best Town and Regional Planners within the entire country. What really impressed me was your personal approach towards me and my company and your logical approach and understanding of the Laws and Regulations when dealing with professionals and participants. Martin, thank you once again for your undisputable contribution”
“We found David and his staff to be courteous, efficient and professional in conduct and knowledgeable of the full range of town planning and property rights matters. His professional advice was of great value in assisting us with our future planning for the usage of our property. It is our pleasure to recommend David’s services for any town planning and property rights related matters.”
“Martin Scott provided us with excellent service on the Paleisheuwel 82MW PV solar plant project in the Western Cape - the project is now ready for construction. I had the privilege to share a challenging work experience with Martin who successfully obtained all the permits and land use rights. Martin's skills and capability made a significant contribution towards successfully reaching all the milestones as he always delivered high quality work timeously, always showing a positive and constructive approach and remaining calm and helpful in complex situations”
“Ons het op verskeie projekte vir Martin Scott gebruik vir onderverdeling en hersonering van persele. Ons het die diens uiters professioneel en effektief bevind. In gevalle waar daar onduidelikheid was aan ons kant het Martin dit baie professioneel hanteer en dit uitgesorteer. Alhoewel sy kantore 'n redelike afstand van ons kantore is was dit nooit 'n probleem gewees nie en terugvoering van Stad Kaapstad het die nodige agting vir Martin se professionaliteit beaam. Gepaardgaande daarmee was sy kwotasies vir ons altyd heeltemal aanvaarbaar en ons het beslis uitstekende waarde vir geld gekry. Ons beveel Martin ten sterkste aan en sal definitief weer van sy se dienste gebruik maak”
“We are truly blessed that the outcome has been granted in our favour and this would not have been possible without your (Isalde’s) guidance, perseverance and very hard work. We further appreciate the discount we have received from your firm and the fact that you have continuously walked the extra mile to get this done successfully. We pray that God would bless your business even further.”
“I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Martin Scott for the professional manner in which you assisted Triple Ace Investments in obtaining the rights to operate the Sir David Boutique Guest house. Your expert knowledge in the field of Council submissions of the various local government departments meant that we were able to operate an establishment like The Sir David, legally and with the all the necessary approvals. It goes without saying that I would highly recommend Martin to anyone seeking assistance with any town planning approval matters”
“It has been a pleasure working with David and his team since 2017. What has impressed me most is the diligent and efficient manner in which they go about their business. David is always free to give sound advice and has always given multiple options to consider with each project. Feedback is given timeously and it is my opinion that it is because of David and his team, that we have had very few complications with any of our applications.”
“Having worked with David in his capacity as Atlantic Beach Estates architectural review officer, for the past approximately 6 years, I can attest to his solid, and incredibly thorough, work ethic. An experienced town planner with years of involvement working with the City of Cape Town, he brings a wealth of knowledge with him. He is always open and accommodating of his time, ensuring that no queries go unheard, often going above and beyond what is expected of him”.
“I have been dealing with Isalde Du Toit for the past seven years and in that period, she has undertaken on my behalf all the necessary time-consuming and somewhat frustrating tasks relating to zoning application, plans approval etc. for a couple of my developments. Isalde has carried out these duties in a highly professional manner – conscientiously expediting the processes and constantly advising and keeping me updated on progress. I will certainly make use of her services for future developments and I have no hesitation in recommending her to other developers”
SB Property Developers & RAPIPROP 83 (Pty) Ltd have been dealing with Isalde du Toit for almost 8 years and we cannot commend her enough for her efforts in helping us with all our Town Planning applications through council so efficiently. With our last development application, Isalde managed to turn what could have been a lengthy and tiresome processes into a smooth one with her relentless efforts and professionalism. We will not hesitate to recommend her to anyone.
Bettesworth Scott (Pty) Ltd is a multi-disciplinary urban planning and property development consulting practice which offers a diverse range of services for all residential, commercial and industrial developments.
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